Air Filter Misconception... It is a misconception that changing your air filters regularly is a reason to not clean your air ducts. While changing your filters are an important step in your regular HVAC maintenance, they are not a “catch all.” Did you know… On average, your air filter only stops 70% to 85% of contaminants from being re-circulated throughout your home. So, what exactly does that mean? Between cracks and crevasses, approximately 15% to 30% of dust, dirt, and debris is being pumped into your coils and supply assembly resulting in contaminants being re-distributed into your home. Additionally, your air filter fails at stopping contaminants in the case of the Venturi effect . Duct work is typically not one size fits all throughout your home. It changes in size from large to small several times creating seams at each point of connection. Any time there is a connection point in the duct work, there is an opportunity for air...